Zola gets behind the wheel! |

Thanks to Paul from the
VW Audi workshop finally got the new cab doors (Non swage line Just Kampers, best quality bundle kit) and although i now have the novelty of not having a door held together with gaffer tape and windows that wind down, the doors do not however fit properly (aaaarrgh!) This is no fault of Paul as i have discovered that everything about the old girl is non standard and botched. Firstly i should have done the doors first and built them around the replaced wheel arches. Even so there is somthing odd about the pillars and windshield section that does not line up. Its to the spray shop soon (The final stage of disposing of the childrens inheritance : sorry kids but at least youll be getting a nice camper at some point in the future!) and some final bodging and welding might make them close a bit easier.