Monday, 28 May 2012


Today we got the new curtains back and Naomi from Suffolk Bugrs did a great job with the Kente material, all the way from Ghana courtesy of mummy.

Naomi informed us on getting the material that there was only enough to do some of the curtains, and because of the thin nature of the material we were best to have the pattern on the inside of the bus. After i died the existing curtains with two packs of Dylon dark green fabric dye i felt more confident about a crucial element of the buses look. We could have had  them reversable or cover the outside with more material later (would have to pop over to Accra however and hope we could find the same shop/supplier)but i am delighted with the overall effect and at least the pattern will not be as prone to sun damage on the inside.

Have enough material left to do the top of the sink cover and two lap cushions, and then we plan to recover all the rear seating in dark green vinyl eventually, probably after Naomi has recovered from organising the Alive & V Dubin event.

All covered and tucked in for the night!